Growth Mindset Attributes

twitterFollowing on from a previous article on growth mindset, it appears to be a topic that still holds a great deal of interest.  Of particular interest to me is how can Dweck’s ideas be used practically and effectively in a school to develop learning….and is there some way that this could be interweaved and embedded throughout the curriculum? Pete Jones (@Pekabelo) describes some great work he has been doing to develop this here.

So, I turned to Twitter.  I asked the good people of the twittersphere for some words that described students with a growth mindset – using the letters G R O W T H.  As usual the response was great and a number of people asked if the results could be shared.  So here it is……do with it what you will!


letter G

Gritty, Grafter,  Goal orientated, Galvanised, Grind

letter R

Resilient, Reflective, Reliable, Resolute, Receptive, Roused, Reactive, Ready, Responsive

letter O

Optimistic, Open, Opportunist, Ownership, Organised, Overcoming, Outward looking

letter W

Willing, Wondering, Wizardry, Worker

letter T

Tenacious, Tough, Trier, Team Player, Thoughtful, Thinker

letter H

Humility, Humble, Honest, Happy, Hardy, Hopeful, Helpful, Holistic, Hoisted, Harnessed, Hungry


So, that’s what the student with the perfect growth mindset looks like.  The big challenge is how to develop this in all students across a  school.  That’s the challenge!

growth mindset

Many thanks to all those who contributed.  Please feel free to contribute any others by leaving a comment below.

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6 Responses to Growth Mindset Attributes

  1. Reblogged this on markquinn1968 and commented:
    I liked this, and shared it with our SEAL coordinator. Cheers.

  2. Marooney, Sue says:

    Thanks s

    Sent from my iPad

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  4. Pingback: Growth Mindset – The bleedin’ obvious or something rather more complex? | Those that can…

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  6. Pingback: Do you have a growth mind set? | hhapcs20162017

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